6. lokakuuta 2012


Mainiota asiaa, esimerkiksi ruuan tuottamisesta, löytyy Mike Gibneyn blogista ja hänellä on myös hieman koulutusta kirjoittaa asiasta:


 I graduated from University College Dublin in 1971 with an Masters in Agricultural Chemistry, took a PhD at Sydney University in 1976 and joined the University of Southampton Medical School as a lecturer in human nutrition in 1977. In 1984 I returned to Ireland to take up a post at the Department of Clinical Medicine Trinity College Dublin and was appointed as professor of human nutrition. In 2006 I left Trinity and moved to University College Dublin as Director of the UCD Institute of Food and Health. I am a former President of the Nutrition Society and I've served on several EU and UN committees on nutrition and Health. I have published over 250+ peer reviewed scientific papers in Public Health Nutrition and Molecular Nutrition (seehttp://www.ucd.ie/foodandhealth/people/managementteam/profmikegibney/) and am principal investigator on several national and EU projects (www.ucd.ie/jingo & www.food4me.org)

Ja löytyipä sieltä asiaa myös luomutuotannosta:

Organic food and agricultural romanticism


Lukemisen iloa.



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